13 Feb Issue #104 – “Porn Parodies/Fan Fiction”
In this week’s issue we turn up the heat and talk all about DC fan/ slash-fiction and porn parodies. From stories to artwork to the lewdest of videos, we want to explore the world of fan-made and unlicensed DC stories.
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Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
5-Star Review
(1:45) New iTunes Review
News and Notes
(5:31) First Birds of Prey Teaser
(8:18) Bendis Teasing Next Major DC Event
(12:16) New Details About The Batman Film
(21:03) DC Super Pets Movie Has a Release Date
(24:30) James Gunn Almost Confirmed to Direct to Suicide Squad Sequel
(35:10) Doom Patrol Trailer
(38:33) Court of Owls Novel
(42:00) Birds of Prey Cast Member Cast in Batwoman
Porn Parodies and Fan Fiction
(48:15) Creating our own DCU and how the relationships would work.
(54:33) Weirdest matchup for a fan-fiction story.
(1:02:05) If Green Lantern and Wonder Woman had got together in the 80’s, what would the results have been?
(1:06:25) How many fan fictions did Colin write with a surprise appearance by the @therealjoshgill?
(1:08:02) Thoughts on fan-made characters that are children of DC heroes?
(1:13:59) Traumatizing fan stories.
(1:18:18) Are there any fan pairings that we want to see in the comics?
(1:24:01) Does the Doc’s Alfred love anyone as much as he loves killing parents?
(1:26:38) Favorite fan fiction story ever.
(1:32:51) What porn star has given the most true performance as a DC character?
(1:44:48) What’s the pitch for sexy Doctor DC fan fiction?
(1:48:30) Favorite fan artist? Why? Favorite piece by that artist?
(1:54:00) Stump Chunkman’s Dial-Doc “Dial Halla”
Dial Doc
(1:56:06) Dildo Baggins
(1:56:46) Cumquaman
Characters, Places, Things
Black Adam (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Booster Gold (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Dick Grayson (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Hal Jordan (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
John Stewart (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Sinestro (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Ted Kord (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Vixen (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Wonder Woman (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Justice League Vol 3 026 “Legacy, Part One”
Bosslogic (Twitter) (Instagram)
J Gonzo (Website) (Twitter) (Instagram)
James Gunn (Twitter) (Instagram)
Rachel Skarsten (Twitter) (Instagram)
Stanley Artgerm Lau (Website) (Twitter) (Instagram)
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