20 Nov Issue #143 – “Homeworlds”
In this week’s issue we talk all about the home worlds of alien characters! We dive into the places, people, and cultures of alien worlds in the DC Universe!
Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
Review-osaurus Rex
(4:24) Dan Dunn’s Emailed Song Review
News and Notes
(7:00) DC’s Crimes of Passion Event Coming February
(9:06) The Rock Reveals Black Adam Poster and Release Date
(16:14) DC Reveals Alfred’s Memorial
(18:57) Dylan Dog and Batman Team Up For Epic Crossover
(21:37) Titans Renewed for Season 3
(24:02) Green Lantern is Coming to HBO Max
(30:14) The Batman Casting Announcements (Andy Serkis as Alfred) (Collin Farrell as Penguin) (Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon)
(40:53) What’s the deal with Rann and Thanagar?
(45:42) What is the most Earth-like planet? Most bizarre?
(53:15) The royal family of Tamaran.
(57:15) Daxam.
(1:04:07) Comics that explore Tamaran.
(1:07:18) Are the red circles naturally occurring on the Dominators or are they painted on?
(1:12:35) What are some notable worlds in Sector 2814 other than Earth?
(1:18:15) Planets with humanoid aliens and is it explained why they look like humans?
(1:21:15) Preferred rendition or portrayal of Krypton?
(1:28:05) Why does DC generally treat all of its aliens as hive mind?
(1:34:29) Bring one back: Krypton, Xanshi, Mars. Why?
(1:37:22) Larvox’s homeworld.
(1:40:00) Reimagining a planet in the Dark Multiverse.
Dial Doc
(1:44:46) Animal Collective
(1:35:30) Thirty Seconds of Cars
Characters, Places, Things
Blackfire (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Mogo (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Omega Men (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Starfire (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Recommended Reading and Viewing
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