04 Dec Issue #145 – “Crisis!”
In this week’s issue we talk all about Crises!
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, Flashpoint, Convergence, Rebirth, Doomsday Clock, and any other continuity changing event in between!
Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
Review-osaurus Rex
(4:48) Cum Man’s 5-Star Review
News and Notes
(6:37) Tom King Insists That Influential Contributors Get Co-Creator Credits
(13:52) Justice Society of America Debuts in Black Adam
(15:15) The Flash Finds Its Sue Dearborn
(19:07) First Official Look at Kevin Conroy in Crisis On Infinite Earths
(23:48) Suicide Squad New Series Team Lineup Revealed
(28:01) Reading Assignment – Crisis on Infinite Earths 001
(53:28) Explaining Vanishing Point.
(55:36) Telos.
(58:13) Writing “Mid-Life Crisis.”
(1:03:07) When did certain heroes have their Pre-Crisis memories erased and their histories retconned?
(1:09:51) What was the main flaw of Zero Hour?
(1:17:09) How many more crises can the DCU handle?
(1:20:23) Which crisis had the best affect on the timeline?
(1:26:10) What did Convergence change about the multiverse?
(1:31:52) Does Our Worlds At War count as a crisis-level event?
(1:33:58) What’s Wally’s secret to surviving crises?
(1:38:34) Favorite moment in Final Crisis?
(1:42:32) Does Identity Crisis fit as a “Crisis” event?
(1:46:56) Thoughts on the pre-COIE crises?
Dial Doc
(1:50:05) See Through
(1:51:03) Livestrong
Characters, Places, Things
Harbinger (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Johnny Quick (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Psycho Pirate (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Wally West (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Justice League of America Vol 1 100
George Perez (Website) (Facebook) (Wiki)
Tom Taylor (Twitter) (Facebook) (Instagram) (Website)
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