Doctor DC Podcast | Issue #179 – “Fight Night III”
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Issue #179 – “Fight Night III”

Issue #179 – “Fight Night III”

June is FANAGAR! And as always, we’re kicking it off with our once-per-year “who would win” Fight Night! You submitted your fighters and we matched them up and decided who wins!
Also, further to our discussion at the start of the episode, here are some quick links and info for ways to support Black Lives Matter and other protest causes.
Causes the Doctor and Producer Richard have already donated to:

Petitions already signed:
Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet
Need for Canadian Police Documentation


Intro Music by Aaron Barry

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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)


Fight Night III

(5:33) Miss Martian vs Captain Atom

(12:30) Zatanna vs Bane

(17:42) Metallex vs Plastic Man

(25:23) King Shark vs Grant Morrison

(28:11) Starfire vs Shazam

(34:08) Robot Man vs Super Todd

(38:11) Amazing-Man vs Composite Superman

(46:57) Argent vs Bueno Excellente

(51:18) Sue Dibny vs Super Demon

(54:23) Creeper vs Ra’s al Ghul

(59:41) Pariah (Arrowverse) vs Machinehead

(1:03:17) Bouncing Boy vs Shazam w/ Alternate Gods’ Powers

(1:06:16) Penguin vs Matter-Eater Lad

(1:10:50) Orion vs Platinum

(1:14:44) Deathstroke vs Elongated Man

(1:18:31) Ambush Bug vs Midnighter

(1:22:20) Negative Man vs Metamorpho

(1:31:05) The Dial Docs vs Pedal Phile


Dial Doc

(1:28:22) Mechanix

(1:29:22) Chem Tail


Characters, Places, Things


Ambush Bug (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)


Bane (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Bouncing Boy (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Bueno Excellente (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Captain Atom (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Composite Superman

Creeper (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Deathstroke (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Elongated Man (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Grant Morrison

Justice Incarnate

King Shark (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

League of Shadows (Earth 13)

Machinehead (Earth7) (Earth8)

Matter-Eater Lad (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)


Metamorpho (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Midnighter (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Miss Martian (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Negative Man (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Orion (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Pariah (PreFlashpoint) (Arrowverse)

Penguin (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Plastic Man (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Platinum (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Ra’s al Ghul (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Robotman (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Shazam (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Starfire (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Sue Dibny (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)


Zatanna (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

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