16 Sep Issue #199 – “Up, Up, and Away”
In this week’s issue we talk all about the skyward supers that make up the DC multiverse.
Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
Holy 5-Star Review Batman!
(4:00) Gdwvhfsvngf’s 5-Star Apple Podcasts Review
News and Notes
(5:14) FanDome Part 2
(11:45) Jim Lee Says a 5G Reboot of the DC Universe Will Not Happen
(13:35) DC Proudly Announces Represent!
(15:44) Warner Bros. Release Full Statement Debunking Justice League Star Ray Fisher
(21:38) Dark Nights: Death Metal Expands With Three More One-Shots
Up, Up, and Away
(29:05) How exactly does Superman fly?
(35:58) Is there a force for flying similar to the Speed Force?
(31:33) Do the Thanagarians need their wings for flight or is it a result of Nth Metal?
(44:06) How does the Green Lantern ring give them the ability to fly?
(50:47) How does Superman fly faster, regulating his speed?
(53:48) What abilities does a Legion flight ring provide?
(57:27) What non-Legion character should be given a Legion Flight Ring for a story?
(59:32) Which hero should lose their flight ability for a story?
(1:02:30) If the Flash was able to fly, could he still access the Speed Force?
(1:05:16) Who are the fastest flyers in the DCU?
(1:11:10) Has flight always been as prevalent in DC?
(1:15:29) How do Superman and Shazam’s flight abilities differ?
(1:22:25) What is up with the inconsistency in Wonder Woman’s flight ability?
(1:30:34) What is the largest object with atmospheric flight ability? Most ridiculous?
Guess the Character!
(1:37:16) If they had hair, I might be in to them.
(1:37:34) Has his big ‘D’ on display.
Characters, Places, Things
Batman (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Firestorm (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Flash (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Hawkgirl (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Hawkman (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Martian Manhutner (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Mogo (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Shazam/Captain Marvel (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Superman (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Swamp Thing (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
Wonder Woman (PreFlashpoint) (Current)
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