13 Mar Issue #108 – “Legion of Super-Heroes Lad” (w/ Doctor DC Sr.)
This week we are joined by the Chief in Comics, Doctor DC Sr. as we talk all about the Legion of Super-Heroes, their villains, their homeworlds, and the 31st-Century in general!
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Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
News and Notes
(3:29) Aquaman Sequel Gets Official Release Date
(7:20) Titans Season 2 Has Found Its Superboy
(10:30) Titans’ Starfire Teases Season 2 Costume
(13:02) Will Smith Has Been Replaced by Idris Elba in Suicide Squad 2
(18:09) Cast Rumors for Suicide Squad 2
(24:06) Trailer for Mera: Tidebreaker
(29:25) Zack Snyder To Host Director’s Cut Film Event
(31:25) Doctor DC Senior’s Reactions to Shazam Trailers
(36:38) Season 8 is Arrow’s Last Season
(40:23) Ezra Miller Claims Flash Movie Will Unite the DC Multiverse
(43:05) New Constantine Series in Development
(47:26) Rumors The Others Are To Appear in Aquaman Sequel
(51:25) Swamp Thing TV Series
(53:00) DC Debuts Biggest and Most Insane Batsuit Ever
(54:29) Kaley Cuoco Teases Harley Quinn Animation
(55:52) Scott Snyder Teases How Year of the Villain Affects the DCU
(58:43) DC Debuts New Justice League of the Future
Legion of Super-Heroes
(1:02:00) Doctor DC Sr’s Legion of Super-Heroes Facts
(1:11:10) What other Justice League members are honored in the 31st century? What happened to cause the Green Lantern Corps to be disbanded?
(1:16:30) Timberwolf and Matter-Eater Lad… buddy cop movie?
(1:19:58) Legion continuity.
(1:26:30) What characters/powers should be brought over to other titles?
(1:31:38) Starting point recommendations.
(1:35:47) Ferro Lad
(1:38:55) What planets other than Durla and Daxam are represented in the 21st century?
(1:42:13) A summary of how the Legion was created. Animated vs Live Action adaptation.
(1:50:03) Cast key characters.
(1:54:14) Is Mon-El affected by the Daxamite reputation of being xenophobic?
(1:57:18) Favorite Legionnaires and coming up with our own codenames.
(2:04:09) Would Marvel’s Nightcrawler make sense as part of the Legion like he was originally intended to be?
(2:06:31) Who is the Legion’s greatest enemy?
(2:10:05) Contemporary heroes/villains that do and do not have lineages in the Legion.
(2:14:58) Dial Docs join the Legion!
Dial Doc
(2:16:03) Frequent-Sir
(2:17:44) Black Hole Boy
Characters, Places, Things
Firestorm (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Legion of Super-Heroes (Pre-Zero Hour) (Post-Zero Hour)
Recommended Reading & Viewing
Doctor DC Podcast Issue 61- Pocket of Logical Inconsistencies
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds
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