The DC Universe is full of deities of all descriptions. From the Greek pantheon to Rama Kushna to the God of the Abrahamic faiths, the mythology is populated by numerous gods and avatars, each of whom occupies a specific place in the natural world. Among...
Traditionally, major comic book rivalries form through one character’s solo title. This is usually the case because in order to establish a character as a credible rival, there must be ample page space and narrative weight given to them to justify that “archenemy” status. Beyond...
Of all of Jack Kirby’s contributions to the world of comic books, the one that is perhaps the most expansive while simultaneously being the least understood is that of the Fourth World – the extra-dimensional realm in which reside the New Gods. Split into two...
The "scientific process" is the method through which an experiment is prepared, conducted, observed, and measured so that the scientists involved can understand each attempt's successes and failures. In the case of a failure, hopefully they are able to isolate the cause and fix it...
Superheroes take themselves rather seriously. This applies both in-universe and in the context of the medium of comic books. Even in the Golden Age – an era we now look back on with a sort of patronizing nostalgia – the adventures and motives of the...
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